I just upgraded from v3 to v5 and now my reports aren't showing up. I open any of the Existing Reports and it shows a screen with timeline of data in the report but instead of the report being there, its a red X in box.

I tried clearing the reports and going back to 'Scheduled Reports' then clicking 'Run Report Now' but the only thing that shows up is 'Please wait while the report is generated'. The actual report never shows up. The dates on the Existing Reports are current, but can't be seen. I can however go into C:Program FilesPA Server MonitorReports and open the index.html file and then see the report.

asked 18 Apr '13, 12:09

PAuser1's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

I'm using the domain admin account. Any other ideas? Thank you.

(19 Apr '13, 19:19) PAuser1

Thank you Doug!


answered 13 May '13, 18:43

PAuser1's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


Make sure that the user account that PA Server Monitor is using has permissions to access everything in PA Server MonitorReports directory.



answered 18 Apr '13, 12:16

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I'm using the domain admin account. Any other ideas? Thank you.

(22 Apr '13, 12:04) PAuser1

For those in the audience, we talked with PAuser1 on the phone. Using the Chromium browser in v5.1 fixed the reports never generating (they were generating, but not forwarding to the final report view). Upgrading IE to v9 or v10 would also have done the trick.


answered 22 Apr '13, 18:12

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 18 Apr '13, 12:09

Seen: 5,859 times

Last updated: 13 May '13, 18:43