We use PA monitor at a number of sites for monitoring - great product!

however, it would be really good to have a MySQL plugin that could do SQL-based monitoring. For example, we want to count if a particular table has more than X errors in Y time period, and it would be great if PA could do this, report to us if that has happened and is 'in error', and then again when the problem is resolved.

Currently we have to run the SQL query in a batch file executed by Windows task scheduler, then use a PA log file monitor to check if the number is too great - but the log file monitor can't notify us when the problem is resolved.

something to consider for a future version!

asked 25 Apr '13, 08:07

Mike%20SQL's gravatar image

Mike SQL
accept rate: 0%

We do have an SQL monitor listed on our To-Do List but I don't have a date for that project to be worked on.



answered 25 Apr '13, 15:32

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Mike,

We have a HowTo for the monitoring MySQL. Here is the link to How to Monitor MySQL



answered 25 Apr '13, 09:29

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for your response. To clarify, I don't want to monitor the health of the MySQL application (although this is useful, thanks), I want to run specific queries against the MySQL database and take actions based on the results of those queries.


answered 25 Apr '13, 09:45

Mike%20SQL's gravatar image

Mike SQL
accept rate: 0%

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for your response. To clarify, I don't want to monitor the health of the MySQL application (although this is useful, thanks), I want to run specific queries against the MySQL database and take actions based on the results of those queries.


answered 25 Apr '13, 09:45

Mike%20SQL's gravatar image

Mike SQL
accept rate: 0%

There are a few things that you could do.

Poll the Database by running the Execute Script monitor periodically to connect to your database and perform a check. There is an example script that shows how to do that. This method even lets you easily check on a database value (table size for example).

You could also use a Web Page monitor. Create a web page that connects to the database and then returns something like "OK" or "Problem". The Web Page monitor could then check that page and alert if it didn't see "OK". The web page could of course perform any sorts of checks that you need.



answered 25 Apr '13, 10:21

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn,

good suggestions. Do you have any plans to introduce a direct SQL monitor?




answered 25 Apr '13, 10:54

Mike%20SQL's gravatar image

Mike SQL
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 25 Apr '13, 08:07

Seen: 8,758 times

Last updated: 25 Apr '13, 15:32