Would it be possible to add a configurable option that would allow users to choose whether alerts take suppression into consideration? For example, currently if a monitor has alert suppression that says don't send alert until error condition has existed for 30 minutes, the first alert will say just entered error state when it really has been in an error state for 30 minutes. Each subsequent alert (and particularly the resolved message) will have that same 30 minute discrepancy. I don't know if everyone would want the actual elapsed time which is why I suggest a configuration option something along the lines of "include suppression time in alert Y/N".

I had considered the possibility of a variable that could be included in custom message text until I realized that the custom message text is in addition to the standard message including the "just entered error state".

asked 25 Apr '13, 15:05

cthomson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi --

The latest Preview release now lists the time in error, and the time it was previously suppressing errors.

The update is at: http://www.poweradmin.com/servermonitor/Preview.aspx


answered 03 May '13, 12:05

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 25 Apr '13, 15:05

Seen: 5,156 times

Last updated: 03 May '13, 12:05