Hi, IS it possible to customize the delays between test while alerts are up or down for Disk space or Ping monitor Thanks asked 01 May '18, 11:48 amftech |
HI Quinn, For example: When the disk space is full, the alert comes only after 30 minutes. I'd like to set up this parameter, make the alert fire immediately after the threshold is reached. Thank you answered 02 May '18, 15:08 amftech Fixed The mistake was the Schedule parameter was set to 30 minutes. thanks
(02 May '18, 15:48)
Hi amftech, Can you give me more information about what you are trying to accomplish? Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. answered 02 May '18, 10:20 Quinn ♦♦ |