
I am evaluating Server Monitoring and I am trying to create a first inventory alerter.

As a prerequisite, I already have Inventory collector created and activated with option "Use WMI to collect simple..." and "Collect System Details...". Status result is OK.

Then I create an inventory alerter with a schedule specified to run each time the collector task has completed.

As a result, inventory alerter monitor is always in error state with message "no inventory to check [in error since...]".

Any suggestion ?



asked 04 Jun '13, 10:56

sylbae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Sylvain,

Has the new Inventory Collector monitor ran yet? Right click on the monitor and at the bottom of the pop-up you should see "Last Run" with a data/time stamp.



answered 04 Jun '13, 11:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Yes, it has. I have the following for the collector: Current Status: OK Last Run: 04 Jun 2013 18:14:16

Then we try to manually run the inventory alerter, I have the following result: Current Status: Can't Run! Last Run: 04 Jun 2013 18:15:56 Still with same error: "No inventory to check"

(04 Jun '13, 12:19) sylbae

Based on the criteria that you have in your inventory alert, run an ad hoc report to see if you have data collected in the database. Do you have data recorded?

(04 Jun '13, 12:45) Quinn ♦♦

Hello Quinn, I guess you found the problem. None of the parameters I used in my inventory alerter are displayed in the report. I am trying to setup an alert based on Antivirus info, but all in N/A state. Basically, according to ad-hoc report, more than the half of the value are in N/A state N/A state: all antivirus, architecture, CPU clock speed, Description, Domain, Drive Status, Memory Total (=0), OS Architecture, Time Zone offset, Windows Update Pending Count All others report fields have a value.

Is there something wrong in the way I setup inventory collector ?


(05 Jun '13, 01:48) sylbae

Sylvain, There isn't much to setting up the Inventory Collector, just the four check boxes. Would you please run the following from a command line inserting the name of the computer that you are trying to get information from. You'll need to run it from within the PA Server Monitor directory. Then send me both of the output files to support@poweradmin.com .

PASystemDetails.exe /DEBUG="true" /COMPUTER="<computer>"
/OUTPUT="C:PA_SystemDetails_Details.txt" /PORT=89


(05 Jun '13, 08:59) Quinn ♦♦

It has been fixed in the latest release. Thanks a lot to the support team

(12 Jul '13, 12:25) sylbae
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Asked: 04 Jun '13, 10:56

Seen: 7,105 times

Last updated: 12 Jul '13, 12:26