Hi. I'm pretty new to the File Sight product and I've just recently been trying out some of the features. I've created a test folder that I am monitoring for file/directory creates/changes/deletions/moves/renames. In my testing, I have found that the System Summary page signals that there are errors that have not been acknowledged.

Is there a way to turn off this feature? We are hoping to use this system to monitor our file servers which have 10 million files on them. So the acknowledgement option is not going to be something that we will use.

Thanks for your insight!

asked 25 Jun '13, 16:57

schmidt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


That's a great question. Right click the "Servers/Devices" node, then select "Contained Server Report Settings". In this menu simply select and drag the "Recent Alerts" from the left to the right. At the Servers/Devices level you will remove the recent alerts from all servers, you can do the same setting change at the server level if you wish.



answered 25 Jun '13, 17:57

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn. That worked perfectly!

(26 Jun '13, 09:26) schmidt

Great to hear that it worked.

Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer.

(26 Jun '13, 09:47) Quinn ♦♦

Thanks Quinn. That worked perfectly!


answered 26 Jun '13, 09:18

schmidt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 25 Jun '13, 16:57

Seen: 17,306 times

Last updated: 26 Jun '13, 09:47