I am not able to change the times for a State Monitor in where it keeps emailing the error alert while in the error state. I press F2 to edit the field press apply and when I go out and back into the monitor the X still remains. This past weekend we received one alert when a server did not respond to the ping monitor. We would like it to keep sending those emails every 5 mins so we catch the server being down.

asked 11 Sep '12, 09:50

screenguy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

After you press the F2 button and edit the time field you need to add an action from you list of actions. After you have applied an action to the new escalation time then you select Apply and the new time and actions will be saved. When you try to saved without an action nothing is saved and goes back to the default.


answered 11 Sep '12, 10:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

That worked! I was trying to enter the time without adding an action. Thanks for your quick response.

(11 Sep '12, 11:27) screenguy
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Asked: 11 Sep '12, 09:50

Seen: 5,312 times

Last updated: 11 Sep '12, 12:44