I want to empower my users to run reports. How do I allow users to run Ad Hoc reports from the URL to the server?

asked 05 Aug '13, 14:06

Jo%20Narkon's gravatar image

Jo Narkon
accept rate: 0%

Hi Jo,

The URL access will only allow your users to view reports not run new reports. If you allow them to use a console to access the main service you can limit them to Report level only, which means that they could run reports on the servers that are assigned to them.

Controlling Remote Access


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answered 05 Aug '13, 15:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 05 Aug '13, 14:06

Seen: 4,059 times

Last updated: 05 Aug '13, 15:19