I have just moved domains and not all servers are in the same forest. Is there a pre configured report to show me servers not reporting?

asked 05 Aug '13, 14:09

Jo%20Narkon's gravatar image

Jo Narkon
accept rate: 0%

Hi Jo,

There isn't a pre configured report that would give you that information but there are several reports that you could use to get that information. The first one that I would try would be the System Summary Report -> Monitor Status Summary report. You can use the filter "Any Error Status" to get a list of server that are not responding to the monitors.


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answered 05 Aug '13, 15:28

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 05 Aug '13, 14:09

Seen: 4,101 times

Last updated: 05 Aug '13, 15:28

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