Since updating to version 5.2 under Recent errors viewing a server the ack column is gone? I believe it was when jumping to 5.2 but I noticed the ack column is now gone, the last column I see is the OK Time column. I've gone through the documentation for 5.2 and see reference that it's an optional field in reports but is the server monitor in general a report? I use to be able to acknowledge and I see there was improvements in Auditing which is exactly what I intend to use, Assigning certain members responsibilty's for certain servers and have them do the ack for those events. But first I need to see that ack column or find out how to turn it back on.

asked 19 Aug '13, 03:18

Greg's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Disregard I just figured it out by going to the main group servers/devices group and Contained Server and Report Settings and then played with those settings. Never had to mess with that before as I just ran with what was generated when we initially started with PA Power Admin. Cooler abilities now I see that I was not utilizing but will now.


answered 19 Aug '13, 03:47

Greg's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 19 Aug '13, 03:18

Seen: 3,915 times

Last updated: 19 Aug '13, 03:47