PA Server Monitor -

Once a server has been rebooted, the ping monitor fires (obviously - as the server is no longer responding). Once the server starts again how do I get PA Server Monitor to automatically acknowledge the alert ?

Currently all servers "seem" to be red as once they have been rebooted we need to go into all of them to acknowledge the alert.



asked 01 Oct '13, 05:22

StevenJohns's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Steve --

Once the server is up again, the Ping monitor should detect that and show that it's in OK status again. If you're seeing "Unacknowledged Alert" status for the monitor, that's a feature that has been enabled (it's not on be default). To turn it back off, right-click Servers/Devices and go to Contained Server Report Settings.

From there, double-click the monitors box. There will be a check box indicating whether you want to use the "Unacknowledged Alert" status or not.


answered 04 Oct '13, 17:39

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 01 Oct '13, 05:22

Seen: 11,673 times

Last updated: 04 Oct '13, 17:39