
We use PA Server Monitor since a long time, but it's the first time I want to add a new kind of monitoring. We have a lot of Citrix XenApp server and sometimes ICA service stuck... The I would like to monitor ICA connectivity. I saw in PA Server Monitor a monitor named "Citrix Monitor". I tried it, but I'm unable to pass the test. The options are very basic: domaine, username, password and ICA port.

When I try it, I use a username that I known it allowed to connect through Citrix XenApp, the ICA port is the standard (TCP/1494), but no luck.

If I try with a Telnet command: telnet servername 1494, I got a "ICA" answer. This test could be good, but probably the Citrix Monitor is better due to full login process and ensure a true validation.

Then, why I'm unable to use the Citrix Monitor. Does someone already test it succesfully ? Or someone known the internal mecanism of this monitor that could help me to known why it not work in my office ?



asked 21 Nov '13, 14:23

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Asked: 21 Nov '13, 14:23

Seen: 5,424 times

Last updated: 21 Nov '13, 14:23