Good Afternoon,

I am using PowerAdmin Server Monitor to watch approximately ~300 Servers (no satellite PA Servers) with around 5-9 Monitors per server (each monitor run in 1 to 5 min intervals).

Today while looking into an unrelated issue I discovered that a number of the monitors have not been run for several hours and are stuck with the status of "Monitor Busy".

I looked into the performance statistics for server I noticed that the CPU and Memory, while higher, never exceeded 55% utilization. However, we are getting a much higher than normal amount of Disk Requests (on par with a SQL server).

My question is, what I can do to resolve the "Monitor Busy" issue? Would creating Satellite PA servers to distribute the load resolve the issue?

Thanks in advance

asked 06 Feb '14, 16:27

Vico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Vico,

There are a few things that I would recommend that would help.

First, is to use satellites to take some of the load high frequency of running your monitor checks.

Second, check your "Target average CPU usage" in Setting. You can adjust this to a higher average usage. More information in Global Settings

Third, look at using SQL Server for your database. Using the database helps quite a bit. More information in Database Setting

Forth, check the monitors that you see in the "Monitor Busy" state to see if there is a common type. Then using that information adjust your frequency of running those monitors.


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answered 07 Feb '14, 16:37

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I forgot it mention that in my original post, but we were already running on a dedicated SQL server

I looked into the "Target average CPU usage" setting and discovered that we had it set to ~25%. I pushed that up to 75% and added two additional cores to the application server. It seems like it resolved the monitor busy issue.

I'll create a few satellites if the issue returns.

Thank you, Quinn. That is what I needed to know :)

(10 Feb '14, 13:57) Vico
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Asked: 06 Feb '14, 16:27

Seen: 15,169 times

Last updated: 10 Feb '14, 13:57