
In Version I started getting these on the Inventory Collector on some Windows servers. Not all. Looks like related to Windows 2003 but unsure. All other monitor runs fine. Nothing changed on the server and this is not on all servers.

I have tried to run only with only WMI (check box 1) and the only with (Collect System details) but there is no difference. Both get me the same Warning message.

I have restarted Satellite but no difference. Searching for Advice.

asked 12 Mar '14, 11:25

micke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In version 5.3 and earlier, the Inventory Collector would fail silently. Now it shows errors that have been happening all along.

We've updated the help page to explain a bit more:


Also, we've just pushed out a newer build that will alleviate some of the problems customers are having, specifically trying to probe a Windows server via SNMP, which rarely works since SNMP is usually not enabled on Windows.

The update is at:



answered 18 Apr '14, 10:30

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 12 Mar '14, 11:25

Seen: 108,266 times

Last updated: 18 Apr '14, 10:30