Inventory collector only works when doing manual "RUN NOW" which populates system details as expected (OS/CPU/HW MOdel/Memory/etc). Otherwise at next run, it will go back to just listing uptime and IP address.

Please help.

asked 11 Apr '17, 12:12

PATEHN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Patehn,

Would you please upgrade to the latest v6 and then run a test for me? After the upgrade enable Debug logging in your console. Then select the Inventory monitor to test with and set your run time to every 30 minutes. Allow the monitor to run normally. Once that is done run the monitor manually. When both runs are complete please zip up and send me the service log file and the name of the server and monitor.

The default location for the service log file is Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorLogs\


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answered 11 Apr '17, 13:22

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 11 Apr '17, 12:12

Seen: 2,901 times

Last updated: 11 Apr '17, 13:22