I'm getting tons of alerts but only want to be alerted when a disk is getting full and if the server doesn't respond to ping. I want everything to be monitored but only need a couple of things to be emailed to me.

asked 17 Jun '16, 08:38

dmyles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I guess the best way would be to use Bulk Config. You can make changes to many monitors all at the same time and one of those is to add or remove actions.

If the alerts are System Level alerts and you don't want to receive those, you will need to edit the System Level Alert menu which you can get to from the Setting menu.


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answered 17 Jun '16, 12:03

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Dmyles,

There are many different types of alerts. My suggestion would be to find out what types of alerts you are receiving and then remove them if you don't want to receive those. If you would like to provide examples of the alerts you are not sure about then please give provided a few examples.


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answered 17 Jun '16, 09:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks. For instance I got an alert that the security log had cleared. Where do I go to disable alerts on triggers I don't want? I mean I still want things monitored but don't need an email for everything.


answered 17 Jun '16, 09:20

dmyles's gravatar image

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This alert is generated at the monitor level. Each Event Log monitor has a settings that will send an alert if it sees that the log file has cleared. As a thought it sounds like the log file is clearing before the monitor has the chance to monitor for the events you are looking for.

There are few things you can do to stop the alert being sent to you.

  1. Set your security log to hold more information (increase the size). This keeps the log file from clearing itself as often and then gives the monitor more time to scan it.
  2. Run you monitor more frequently, hopefully so that the monitor can scan the log file before it is cleared.
  3. Un-check the option to alert if the log file is cleared. This settings is in the monitor .


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answered 17 Jun '16, 09:36

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks. Ultimately, I just want emails when a server disk space is low or if you can't ping the server. I am monitoring 40 servers right now. How can I set that across all of them?


answered 17 Jun '16, 09:43

dmyles's gravatar image

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Asked: 17 Jun '16, 08:38

Seen: 5,020 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:15