Hi, After upgrading to the latest version of PA Server monitor v 5.4.148. We are now getting errors on every monitored server for inventory collector. I have tried re adding this monitor and settings it but still getting the error. We are a 2008R2 and 2012 house.

We reverted back to the old version and the problem is no longer there... any fix for the new version?

asked 16 Apr '14, 10:43

Alisdair's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Alisdair --

In version 5.3 and earlier, the Inventory Collector would fail silently. Now it shows errors that have been happening all along.

We've updated the help page to explain a bit more:


Also, we've just pushed out a newer build that will alleviate some of the problems customers are having, specifically trying to probe a Windows server via SNMP, which rarely works since SNMP is usually not enabled on Windows.

The update is at: http://www.poweradmin.com/servermonitor/download.aspx


answered 18 Apr '14, 10:29

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 16 Apr '14, 10:43

Seen: 129,785 times

Last updated: 18 Apr '14, 10:29