Please note that the "ASP.NET Applications(Total)Requests In Application Queue" performance counter in your example Exchange 2010 template has the wrong operator. It has the comparison operator as = when it should be >.

Thank you.

asked 22 Apr '14, 17:21

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 May '14, 23:49

Also, I believe that the "MSExchange Search Indices(*) Average Document Indexing Time" should be 30000, not 30 as the counter is in milliseconds, but the recommended threshold is that is should remain below 30 seconds (i.e. 30000 milliseconds).

(01 May '14, 23:49) MustangMD

Also, I believe that the "MSExchange Search Indices(*) Average Document Indexing Time" should be 30000, not 30 as the counter is in milliseconds, but the recommended threshold is that is should remain below 30 seconds (i.e. 30000 milliseconds).


answered 01 May '14, 22:58

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks you for the information and your help with the counters! I did a little follow-up research on these counters and found the MS pages that talked them. We have corrected the MSExchange Search Indices(*) Average Document Indexing Time counter but the ASP.NET Applications(Total)Requests In Application Queue counter was left with the MS threshold.


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answered 02 May '14, 10:56

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%



I'm not suggesting that the MS threshold of 0 be changed - I'm suggesting that the OPERATOR be changed. The = operator causes the alert to be fired when in fact you WANT the ASP.NET Applications(Total)Requests In Application Queue to be equal to 0. The operator should be >, that way the alert fires when the total number of requests in the queue is GREATER THAN 0 (or whatever threshold you want to set), NOT when the total number of requests in the queue EQUALS 0.

(02 May '14, 11:42) MustangMD

The total number of requests in the queue equaling 0 is a good thing - it means all requests are being processed immediately, so you DON'T want the alert to fire when it = 0. Also, I looked at the link you provided above for the ASP.NET Applications(Total)Requests In Application Queue counter and did not find anything related to that particular counter.

Thanks, Matt

(02 May '14, 11:42) MustangMD


You point is correct, I have made the changes to the web page and the template and they will be moved to production shortly. Thank you!


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(02 May '14, 16:58) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 22 Apr '14, 17:21

Seen: 7,203 times

Last updated: 02 May '14, 16:58