We are getting the following alerts on one of our servers under the above banner. Can anyone shed any light as to what the issue is please?

\ Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection)Bytes Received/sec > 10000000 (Currently 10004167.357686)
[Memory: 16%]
[Page File: 0%]
[CPU: 25%]
[SystemSystem Up Time: 345000]
[Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection)Current Bandwidth: 1000000000]
[Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection)% RECEIVE UTILIZATION: 8]
[Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection)Bytes Sent/sec: 587000]
[Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection)% SEND UTILIZATION: 0.47]

asked 24 Mar '15, 10:09

powerplay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Powerplay,

You are getting the alert because the value for your counter Bytes Received/sec has pass the threshold that is set to 10000000. You can change the threshold by going to that monitor and selecting the counter and edit the threshold.


Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer.


answered 24 Mar '15, 13:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 24 Mar '15, 10:09

Seen: 5,057 times

Last updated: 24 Mar '15, 13:55