Recently on one of our Windows 2003 Server's we have been getting this warning from the performance monitor. ​​SOP-​BKUP​Network Interface(Broadcom BCM5708C NetXtreme II GigE [NDIS VBD Client] -​ Teefer2 Miniport)​Bytes Received/sec returned error: A counter with a negative value was detected. [Err=0x800007D8 (2147485656), CurrUser=admin, Imp={none}]

I have tried various microsoft solutions related to reloading performance monitor couter dll's with lodctl commands but thats not helping. Anyone have any clues as to whats causing this?

asked 07 Jan '14, 16:30

c_mario's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you see the same negative results from Windows perfmon?

Could there be a bad driver?


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answered 07 Jan '14, 18:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi, Perfmon seems to perform normally, although that may not be conclusive since the error is not continuous. It may show up a few times a day, but has been doing it for a few weeks now.

(07 Jan '14, 19:23) c_mario
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Asked: 07 Jan '14, 16:30

Seen: 6,842 times

Last updated: 07 Jan '14, 19:23