When running smart config on new 2012R2 Servers I am getting this on all of them:

PAMonitor Version Pro .. I assume a bug?

Event Log Monitor [VDREMAPPPOC01 ] » Failed to open the ForwardedEvents event log on machine \VDREMAPPPOC01. OS Reports: The system cannot find the path specified. Troubleshooting Hint: Try logging into VDTBUTIL01 as . Then run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If it doesn't, you may need to start the Remote Registry service, or enable remote management rules in Windows Firewall. [Err=0x3 (3), CurrUser=**, Imp=] Failed to open the Internet Explorer event log on machine VDREMAPPPOC01. OS Reports: The system cannot find the path specified. Troubleshooting Hint: Try logging into VDTBUTIL01 as . Then run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If it doesn't, you may need to start the Remote Registry service, or enable remote management rules in Windows Firewall. [Err=0x3 (3), CurrUser=, Imp=] Failed to open the Key Management Service event log on machine VDREMAPPPOC01. OS Reports: The system cannot find the path specified. Troubleshooting Hint: Try logging into VDTBUTIL01 as . Then run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If it doesn't, you may need to start the Remote Registry service, or enable remote management rules in Windows Firewall. [Err=0x3 (3), CurrUser=, Imp=] Failed to open the Setup event log on machine VDREMAPPPOC01. OS Reports: The system cannot find the path specified. Troubleshooting Hint: Try logging into VDTBUTIL01 as . Then run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If it doesn't, you may need to start the Remote Registry service, or enable remote management rules in Windows Firewall. [Err=0x3 (3), CurrUser=, Imp=] Failed to open the Windows PowerShell event log on machine VDREMAPPPOC01. OS Reports: The system cannot find the path specified. Troubleshooting Hint: Try logging into VDTBUTIL01 as . Then run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If it doesn't, you may need to start the Remote Registry service, or enable remote management rules in Windows Firewall. [Err=0x3 (3), CurrUser=***, Imp=]

asked 03 Jun '14, 09:24

TeBear77's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi TeBear77,

It appears that it could be a permission issue. Let's try removing PA Server Monitor from the picture and see how it looks. Login to VDTBUTIL01 (where PA Server Monitor is installed) using the same account that PA Server Monitor is using. Run EVENTVWR.MSC and try to connect to the remote Event Log to see if it succeeds. If you are unable to do so the permissions is the issues.


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answered 03 Jun '14, 10:38

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Well now I feel like a dummy. Apparently there is an issue with our VMware template as the log file is not there and pointing somewhere it shouldn't be.

Thank you Quin


answered 03 Jun '14, 11:58

TeBear77's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

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Asked: 03 Jun '14, 09:24

Seen: 11,973 times

Last updated: 03 Jun '14, 11:58