Hello and thank you in advance to everyone who is willing to provide assistance.

I am running version of PA File Sight Pro and wish to generate a weekly report that will watch all .exe and .dll files. Instead of receiving a report of all files that changed, I am receiving a report that says the following,

"This report is very large (0 MB of HTML) and could take a while to load into the embedded browser. The console application will stop responding while the report is being loaded.

Alternatives are: -Run the report again with less data selected (or with data summarized if available) -Create the report as a CSV file -Open the report in a separate browser"

I have no idea what the message means and am trying to receive the report that the programmed have been configured to produce.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 14 Oct '14, 10:55

oisaac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Oisaac,

The first thing that I would recommend is to upgrade to the latest version. Reporting feature have been updated in v5 and there are many other upgrades that you will benefit from. Contact Support@poweradmin.com for pricing.

The error message that you are getting is telling you that the report that you are trying to generate is too larger to be shown in your console (a browser). The message gives you the option to either trim back on the amount of data pulled into the report or change the report format to a CSV file format. This format you can bring into a spreadsheet and then you can format the data the report to your needs.


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answered 14 Oct '14, 17:06

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank you Quinn,

Would you happen to know how to set the reports to csv?


answered 15 Oct '14, 13:51

oisaac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 14 Oct '14, 10:55

Seen: 5,804 times

Last updated: 15 Oct '14, 13:51