I recently upgraded from V4 PA Server Monitor to V5. In V4 I scheduled my reports to save as PDF files and I would receive an email notification when the report was created. In the notification was a hyperlink to the PDF file. In V5 I have scheduled my reports to save as CSV files - I receive the email notifications but there is no hyperlink. Is this a function of saving as CSV rather than PDF ..or is there a configuration setting in V5 to include a hyperlink to the report in the email notification ?

asked 12 Sep '13, 01:50

Stevo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Stevo,

Yes, there was a link at the top of the emails in version 4. We had a lot of customers request that that link be removed from the email. However, we do have a setting that you can change to get the link back, registry key change. You can change the key called "HTMLEmail_NoHRefs2" to 0, by default it is set to 1. After you have made the change you need to restart the PA Server Monitor service.



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answered 12 Sep '13, 11:16

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 12 Sep '13, 01:50

Seen: 5,247 times

Last updated: 12 Sep '13, 11:16