I have some SNMP queries that run weekly and email out with the Status Report attached. Is there an "action" I can use to save that Status Report to an S3 bucket, or at the very least save to a local folder I can use another tool to sync to the S3 if I have to.

asked 14 Nov '22, 11:34

TLI_JR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The Status Report does not have the option to save the file to a location on the drive (the report that is sent by email). However, you can setup a Scheduled Report and it has the option to save the file to a local drive.


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answered 15 Nov '22, 08:58

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 14 Nov '22, 11:34

Seen: 1,232 times

Last updated: 15 Nov '22, 08:58