Has anyone found a reliable way to monitor and notify if an RDP Session was logged in? In the security log it is a LogonType 10 but I can't find a way to monitor that specifically.

Any thoughts?


asked 11 Nov '14, 10:39

timwilson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm using a filter in the Event ID and Text Filters column. You click on the first column checkbox and it brings up a filter dialog box.

Here's what I am using in the included Event Id's. I think this gets local logins as well.

528,529,531-535,539 AND "Logon Type: 10" OR "Logon Type: 2"

I just have the Security log checked as well.


answered 20 Nov '14, 19:49

Jason%20Hiatt's gravatar image

Jason Hiatt
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Asked: 11 Nov '14, 10:39

Seen: 4,478 times

Last updated: 20 Nov '14, 19:49