I have an event set up to email me when my raid HDD is degraded and, it works perfect when I manually degrade the RAID by removing one HDD. The problems once the raid is completely rebuit, I continue to receive emails that it is degraded.

Can one of the gurus tell what I need to do to address this? Thanks you

asked 18 Mar '13, 09:59

bola09's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How are you determining that the RAID has problems in the first place? Does that mechanism that is being checked indicate that the RAID set is healthy after rebuilding?


answered 08 Apr '13, 23:46

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Yes, it check for Raid error in event log and then notified me by email and text that the raid is degraded


answered 09 Apr '13, 10:02

bola09's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 18 Mar '13, 09:59

Seen: 7,282 times

Last updated: 09 Apr '13, 10:02