I recently had a server go down and found Power Admin could not notify me as the PA software was on that server. What is the suggested way to monitor this scenario? I have setup a webpage monitor at another site to monitor the outside IP address with 81 tacked on the end and looking for servers/devices on the page. This seems to work to at least notify if it can't communicate with PA on that server. Any suggestions or am I on the right track?

asked 10 Jun '15, 11:52

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi Dave,

There is a feature in the product called Automatic Fail Over that will not only notify you when your main central service goes down but will also take over the monitoring.


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answered 11 Jun '15, 09:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 10 Jun '15, 11:52

Seen: 5,071 times

Last updated: 11 Jun '15, 09:12