I've looked in your support documents and cannot find a way to retrieve a list of all servers in the console.

asked 19 Nov '14, 15:46

Jo%20Narkon's gravatar image

Jo Narkon
accept rate: 0%

If you just want a list, you could try this procedure.

Run a Configuration Audit in the Ad Hoc Reports. This should make a text file on the server. Open a command prompt and run find "[DEVICE]" filename. This will give you a list of your devices, although with [DEVICE] in front of them.


answered 20 Nov '14, 19:44

Jason%20Hiatt's gravatar image

Jason Hiatt
accept rate: 0%

Hi Jo,

Sorry we don't have a report that just lists the servers/devices that at being monitored. There is the Configuration Audit Report that can give a list of devices with there monitors, maybe this will help you.


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answered 20 Nov '14, 09:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 19 Nov '14, 15:46

Seen: 5,716 times

Last updated: 20 Nov '14, 19:44