In the Satellite Services tab, I'd like to do a global modification on who gets notified for a satellite down condition. The only way I see to change it is one at a time.

Is there a way to work against the whole set?

asked 31 Jul '12, 09:50

rculler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Rculler,

Yes you can make a global change to the Satellite Down notice by using the Bulk Config. From the menu select Configuration -> Bulk Config. In the drop down box you will find an option to select "Satellite: Set Down Alerts". Select which satellites to change (2) and then set the options (3). When you have the settings the way you want them select Perform Operation (4). Link to online documentation Bulk Config.

Thanks Quinn


answered 31 Jul '12, 12:36

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 31 Jul '12, 09:50

Seen: 5,067 times

Last updated: 31 Jul '12, 12:36