I got this error too, can you confirm the affected file ?

System Error Detected: Database error #### sqlite_exec failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (672, 326760.890217, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (671, 16.469436, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (675, 0.000785, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (677, 0.000493, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (674, 9815.728214, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (676,

asked 16 Feb '15, 02:53

Kim%20Bennetsen's gravatar image

Kim Bennetsen
accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Feb '15, 09:05

System Error Detected: Database error #### sqlite_exec failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (672, 326760.890217, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (671, 16.469436, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (675, 0.000785, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (677, 0.000493, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (674, 9815.728214, 1424072662); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (676,

(16 Feb '15, 02:54) Kim Bennetsen

I suspect that the affected file is "PerformanceCounters.db"

PA logfile ########################################### 02-16-2015, 00:01:27.315, TID:02612, PID:01172, ERROR: SQL_PRIMARY = C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorDatabasesPerformanceCounters.db 02-16-2015, 00:01:27.315, TID:02612, PID:01172, SetCoreStatus: 3, id=, #### sqlite_exec failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (1295, 6686571.291542, 1424041213); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (1294, 54.57732, 1424041213);

(16 Feb '15, 03:15) Kim Bennetsen

Hi Kim,

Yes you are correct that the file that is malformed is the PerformanceCounters.db database file. The only thing you can do now it to delete that file. Please shut down the PA Server Monitor service, then delete the file. Re-start the service and the file will be recreated.


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answered 17 Feb '15, 11:25

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 16 Feb '15, 02:53

Seen: 5,431 times

Last updated: 17 Feb '15, 11:25