Is there a way to monitor the contents of a web page/REST web service using regular expressions for example? Ideally I would like to extract an attribute value from an XML-document and check wether the value is above a certain threshold.

Regards, Rune

asked 02 Sep '15, 07:34

run66's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 07 Sep '17, 04:35

Hi Run66,

The Web Page Monitor does not have the ability to use Regular Expression to check for content in a web page. You could use the Execute Script Monitor and most likely be able to use Regular Expression to check for content in a file (XML-document).


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answered 02 Sep '15, 12:21

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 02 Sep '15, 07:34

Seen: 5,063 times

Last updated: 07 Sep '17, 04:35