I am using the trial version of Server Monitor. When I try to connect the remote satellite to the Central console (on a PC at a different location), I am getting a '403 Forbidden returned. Check firewall and proxy settings' message. I have turned off both firewalls, and it is setup using 80. I'm using http://www.poweradmin.com/help/sm_5_1/config_satellite.aspx as a guide.

asked 17 Jun '13, 13:15

Echo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Echo --

On the Satellite server, start a browser and go to:

https://{central server IP}:80

Do you see a web page? If not, something is blocking it. The only thing inside Server Monitor would be in the Console under Settings -> HTTP Server Settings. Make sure both "Everyone" options are selected.


answered 21 Jun '13, 14:14

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 17 Jun '13, 13:15

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Last updated: 21 Jun '13, 14:14