Just trying to set-up a Database server monitor and with Validate Connection string reads:

Successfully connected to the database. The whole thing then freezes. I then have to close out of PA server monitor and go back in. It also appears my connection sting has changed in the back-ground window:

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=serverinstance;Trusted_connection=Yes;Database=master;UID=domain???;PWD={hidden};

But it appear to remove the Trusted connection part.

It adds the monitor ok if I use a local SQL user, but then the monitor fails to run with a "remote registry not running" Shaun

asked 18 Nov '15, 19:10

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Further to this I have received this alert, not sure if it is related: System Error Detected: Database error

Failed to get an ODBC statement handle. Error=4294967294, , m_hDBC == NULL

PA Server Monitor Ver 6.0.1 (Build 9)

This System Alert's delivery can be configured in Settings -> System Alerts


answered 18 Nov '15, 19:29

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi Shaunscott,

The connection string that you are trying to use is not valid. You can't use Trusted_connection with UID and PWD. Try changing your connection string to use either Trusted_connection or UID and PWD to see if that works.


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answered 19 Nov '15, 11:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 18 Nov '15, 19:10

Seen: 4,646 times

Last updated: 19 Nov '15, 11:17