
I have an Event Log Monitor, but not all Event Sources are available.

I can look into the Event Log on the server and find event logs every 10 minutes from this source. However when I go to my monitoring server and configures the monitor to monitor for certain events - this event source is not available.

How Can I get PA Monitoring Service to monitor ALL sources?

asked 04 Dec '14, 03:01

plc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It sounds like something might be corrupt. Try this test:

  1. Login in to the computer where PA Server Monitor is installed
  2. Start the Windows Event Viewer app
  3. Connect to the target server
  4. Do you see all event sources in the Windows Event Viewer?

I do recall that Windows 2003 servers are not able to see some of the newer event logs that are present on 2008+ (which the above will show). If your installation is on a Windows 2003 server, you would need to move it to a server with a newer version of Windows.


answered 15 Jan '15, 10:14

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 04 Dec '14, 03:01

Seen: 5,654 times

Last updated: 15 Jan '15, 10:14

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