Hello, today we have migrate whole PA Server Monitoring following procedure at https://www.poweradmin.com/help/faqs/how-to-move-installation . Current problem we have is that satellites are not connected at PA Server monitor. We have also changed the Central Server Hosts entry (both domain name and port) From the client side (server where satellite service is running) we can reach PA Serve Monitor via https (from browser) and also when testing satellite, connection test is OK, but on central server monitor, satellites are "not connected".

Any idea? Aleksandar

asked 24 Feb '16, 12:18

superaca's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 24 Feb '16, 12:21

Solved. After changing Central Server Hosts entry, PA monitor SERVICE need to be restarted. :)


answered 25 Feb '16, 04:01

superaca's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 24 Feb '16, 12:18

Seen: 4,287 times

Last updated: 25 Feb '16, 04:01