
We get this error every night around 2 a'clock.

"System Error Detected: Database error

sqlite_exec failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;DELETE FROM StatData WHERE StatID IN (SELECT StatID FROM Statistic WHERE OwnerType IN (3) AND OwningComputer='6903115e-1582-4548-b7a6-d7caf8ac08ac') AND Date < 1457452693;;

end;]. Will re-open."

We cant seem to find the solution to this problem, we've tried stopping PA server monitor service, deleting PingResponse.db and start the service again, as suggested in another post in here. What to do here?

asked 08 Apr '16, 02:51

Lennart87's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Lennart87,

Please zip up and send us the service log file. Also please forward the error message that you are getting. The email address is support@poweradmin.com


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answered 08 Apr '16, 09:03

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 08 Apr '16, 02:51

Seen: 4,369 times

Last updated: 08 Apr '16, 09:03