How can I correct the errors below?

System Error Detected: Database error #### sqlite_exec failed with 11 (database disk image is malformed ExtErr=11) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2556, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2557, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2558, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2559, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2560, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (2561, 1, 1372799744); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Dat[Trimmed]]. Will re-open

asked 02 Jul '13, 17:18

JOE%20D's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Joe --

It looks like one of the database files has gotten corrupted. I can't tell which one from the logs posted, but above or below the error it will list it. You can stop the monitoring service and delete the given file, and then restart monitoring.

If you'd like, you can zip and email us the service log and we can look at it more closely and confirm which file it is.



answered 02 Jul '13, 17:42

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 02 Jul '13, 17:18

Seen: 8,015 times

Last updated: 02 Jul '13, 17:42