Hello, I got this on my PA server, can you please help me? System Error Detected: Failed to save configuration changes to database [at Client - DGM] #### sqlite_exec failed with 13 (database or disk is full ExtErr=13) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MonitorParams (ID, Data) VALUES (989, ' 989 1 4675935505458994872... And this: System Error Detected: Database error [at Client - DGM] #### sqlite_exec failed with 13 (database or disk is full ExtErr=13) for SQL=[begin immediate;DELETE FROM DevProps WHERE CompID=441 AND PropID IN (33); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DevProps (Value, Timestamp, CompID, PropID, Item, Source) VALUES ('1801967', 1375808869, 441, 33, '', 6); ; end;]. Will re-open

The database setting on MSSQL server


asked 06 Aug '13, 13:10

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Asked: 06 Aug '13, 13:10

Seen: 3,695 times

Last updated: 06 Aug '13, 13:10