Windows 10 will install updates whether you want them or not, and if a restart is required, it will ask you for a while and then eventually it will restart itself. This is designed into the OS. If the PC is performing as a server, it would be quite handy to know that this is going to happen, so that you can logon and initiate the reboot at a time that won't cause mishaps to occur. Is there any way to get PASM to monitor this and let me know that a restart is required?

asked 14 Sep '16, 12:35

MarmiteSandwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks for the question. We don't have a monitor that is setup to report on penning reboots. We have had a few customers ask about that and we have added that to our to do list.

Some customers have used the Execute Script Monitor and write their own code to check for pending reboots. You might try that.


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answered 14 Sep '16, 15:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

You can use info in this link:

I went another route using Invoke-Command and Test-Path. I already have an active PS Session to the desired server, so that is why it's in this example.

Example: Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Test-Path -Path "HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionComponent Based ServicingRebootPending" }

If that key doesn't exist, no reboot pending :)


answered 11 Oct '16, 13:21

TheSemicolon's gravatar image

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Asked: 14 Sep '16, 12:35

Seen: 4,978 times

Last updated: 11 Oct '16, 13:21