I am needing to upgrade my v6 license to v7, but I cannot find or download the v7 license options. Any tips?


asked 30 Oct '17, 09:53

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 30 Oct '17, 09:54

Hi Dave,

The license upgrade from v6 to v7 now happens when you install v7 PA Server Monitor (server needs to have Internet access). If you support is current a new version license file will be downloaded to your server.

I appears that you are using a Subscription license, with those you can upgrade to the next major version at anytime.

If your server is not Internet facing you can send a request to PA Support for an upgraded license file. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 30 Oct '17, 10:35

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 30 Oct '17, 09:53

Seen: 2,862 times

Last updated: 30 Oct '17, 10:35