I have several monitors reporting "This monitor does not work with the current license(s)" we have a 1200 monitor ultra license with 868 monitors used.

I have just updated to version 6.1.0 (build 84) today, and only noticed it today.

I have updated all our satellites.

I have tried restarting the services no joy, we have a active maintenance agreement as well.

asked 24 Feb '16, 20:08

Sduelund's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

After upgrading from 6.1. to 6.2. I had this too.

After checking out the license status on the central server licens managmentn and rerunning every monitor

it disappeared(needed some hours). A living connection between satellite and central sever is necessary.


answered 25 Feb '16, 01:46

MTE's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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Asked: 24 Feb '16, 20:08

Seen: 4,317 times

Last updated: 25 Feb '16, 01:46