
my question is: How to using SQL status to search the alert mail's content?

The alert mail content sample:

10 Dec 2018 10:26:59 AM Computer: [TPEFS] Monitor: [Watch P:\Public\] Description: The following users have exceeded monitoring thresholds: COMPAL\EmilySC_Huang read (and possibly copied) 130 files under P:\Public\ in 1m 49s from The alert threshold is 30 files in 2m 0s.
Read files include:
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\A39 Asahi 15 PCE action format.xls
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\A39 Asahi ZIUS1 EE EVT BOM LIST and action 2014-03-28.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\action\A39 AIVS1 Storm EE BOM List v0116.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\action\A39 LIN_Storm_Ella2_0304_EE.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\action\AIVS1.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\action\LIN_New Action Table.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\AILL1_AILL2 2nd source.xlsx
P:\Public\Logistics\Sourcing\EE\2nd Source Tracking\A39\Merlyn2 0 SDV 2nd source coverage--0628.xlsx

Sent from PA File Sight on TPEISMS01

asked 09 Dec '18, 21:49

Dennis_Lee's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Dec '18, 09:10

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦

typing error. How to using SQL statement to search the alert mail's content?

(09 Dec '18, 21:50) Dennis_Lee

Hi Dennis_Lee,

I'm not sure why you need to run SQL code to search emails. If you want to get the information about a users activities in PA File Sight you should run a Custom Data Set report to the get the information you are looking for.


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answered 11 Dec '18, 09:14

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 09 Dec '18, 21:49

Seen: 2,925 times

Last updated: 11 Dec '18, 09:14