I've got an Ubuntu 14.04 VM that I'm using an SNMP monitor to make sure services are running. On the VM itself I can see the service I want to monitor is running (certservice), but the SNMP monitor says 'no process currently running'. I've restarted the snmpd service on the VM and double checked my config files, other services are monitored correctly.

asked 19 Jun '18, 17:23

davidwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Hi David -

I assume you're using the Process monitor to watch the services on the Ubuntu server. These are monitored via SNMP by looking at the following tables:

iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunName iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunPath iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunParameters

If you check those tables with an SNMP viewer (you could create a new SNMP monitor just so you can walk the tree and look at values, or use something like iReasoning's MIB Browser), do you see the process you are trying to watch?

Doug Power Admin Support


answered 20 Jun '18, 11:40

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

I don't see the service name under hrSWRunName, but I do see the process id that cerservice is running (4242) but that name is listed as python. Also, when i look under hrSWRunParameters.4242 it is /usr/local/bin/certservice. But this ID will change when the process ID changes.

(20 Jun '18, 14:37) davidwolf
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Asked: 19 Jun '18, 17:23

Seen: 3,030 times

Last updated: 20 Jun '18, 14:37