Hi, my disk was suddenly Reporting full and this was because the LoginEvents.db has grown through the roof. Whats in this database? Cant seem to find any information about it anywhere..

asked 29 Jun '18, 02:20

cookie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi cookie,

The LoginEvent.db holds all of the data collected by the Login Event monitors. In our older versions that data also included the text from the event logs which is way the database gets so large. The latest version of the PASM has a fix for this issue.

If you don't need the the login data that is in the LoginEvent.db, you can stop the PASM service and then drop the LoginEvent.db table. When this is done install the latest version of PASM.

If you need the login data install the latest version of PASM. Then during the install you will be given a question asking about keeping the Text portion of the data or not. Choose the option to remove the text data to clean up your database. Allow the installer to run and the database will be cleaned up.

Preview Version of PASM


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answered 02 Jul '18, 10:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 Jun '18, 02:20

Seen: 2,774 times

Last updated: 02 Jul '18, 10:55