Hi there, I am trying to create an immediate scheduled job, in the logged in user context, to launch a batch file to install an application silently, using the /s switch in paexec.

Having failed to get a simple paexec.exe /s filename.exe to run in the netlogon share, I have copied the two files (paexec.exe and the installer exe) into %temp% on the local machine to run it from there, but it still tries to copy paexec into c:windows and fails with access denied, then bombs out, even though it's already in c:usersnameappdatalocaltemp.

I have tried to run it without the -s switch and it fails because of lack of elevation, which is fine, but I want it to not try to copy paexec.exe to C:windows with the -s switch. How can I have a non-elevated user run the executable as System? How can i either stop it trying to copy paexec.exe, which it doesn't need to do, or copy it to a folder a non-privileged user can access?

Many thanks Jon

asked 02 Aug '18, 09:42

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Asked: 02 Aug '18, 09:42

Seen: 15,900 times

Last updated: 02 Aug '18, 09:42