Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone else has poor performance of the console when switching between servers in the console?

Memory usage is not high, but the CPU spikes when switching between monitors, and the Console goes not responding.

Usually hangs for around 3 minutes before the screen in the console updates with the System Information graphs.

We are running it on a 2003 R2 serve with 2 Gig RAM

PA Server Monitor Pro

Internet explorer 6, V2

asked 10 Dec '12, 20:09

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


Thanks for that Doug. I guess since 2003 Server only supports up to IE 8, we will need to upgrade the Operating System. Unless of course the Server Monitor console can use another browser?



answered 12 Dec '12, 16:50

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Further to this IE8 has the profiler in developer tools, and here are the top results: FUNCTION Count Inclusive Time Exclusive Time setAttr 11,124 10,252.49 10,205.61
getBox 2,152 3,579.00 3,579.00
create 2,925 296.95 296.95
move 1,167 218.80 218.80
findIfFixed 33 203.17 203.17
push 2,406 187.55 187.55
JScript - window script block 1 296.95 171.92
measure 76 156.29 156.29
addToContainer 1,608 140.66 140.66
line 870 1,344.08 140.66
processFields 1,765 109.40 109.40
stackGraphs 108 203.17 109.40
parseSerialData 9 218.80 93.77

(12 Dec '12, 17:34) shaunscott

You're sure IE 9 won't work on 2003? That's new to me. IE 8 would still be an improvement over IE 6 in that regard. We'd like to be able to work with Chrome, but it's not possible yet.

(12 Dec '12, 19:48) Doug ♦♦

Well, you are definitely right. Have you tried it with IE 8 on the computer in question? Also, you can run the Console on your workstation, which can hopefully have IE 9...?

(12 Dec '12, 20:32) Doug ♦♦

It's almost certainly IE 6. The reason is the graphs in the Console are HTML5. Since IE 6 doesn't support HTML 5, a fallback shim is used. Upgrading to IE 9+ will give you much better performance.


answered 12 Dec '12, 10:29

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 10 Dec '12, 20:09

Seen: 7,211 times

Last updated: 12 Dec '12, 20:32