Hello, I'm new to PA File Sight, and I have trouble to get it working. I just want to monitor a certain folder for file reads, but I'm unable to. I think I've set it up correctly. The goal is to have a log with all the file reads and the process reading them. I'm testing this on a Windows Server 2016 Standard. Curious thing, "View Live Logs" is showing everything I want to have in my log. But the log created by Actions isn't. When I configure the monitor for file deletions and creations, that ends up in the log, but not the "normal" file reads. This only ends up in the "View Live Log". Is there any way to read the "Live Log" somewhere? Thanks!

asked 24 Jan '19, 17:02

GunterO's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi GunterO. Make sure the reads are big enough to be tracked (notice there is minimum size for reads, to help reduce false positives like Explorer hovering over a file).

Also, look VERY closely at the Ignore options - often one of them is the cause of something not being tracked.

If this doesn't help, please contact Power Admin's support and we'll dig in further.


answered 18 Feb '19, 15:30

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 24 Jan '19, 17:02

Seen: 2,814 times

Last updated: 18 Feb '19, 15:30