
We are running version Ultra. I have followed the documentation on https://www.poweradmin.com/help/pa-server-monitor-8-0/config_api.aspx I have created a reg_sz with 20 charater string at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPAServerMonitor We have enabled SSL (have not applied a certificate but can access https:// pages.)

When we hit the URL: https://<ip address="">:81/?KEY=<key in="" registry="">&API=GET_SERVER_LIST I get: ":ERROR: Invalid API Key"

we have tried rebooting after adding key.

If we log into web page using domain credentials, we are able to hit the page and all detail.

Any idea why we can not hit the url without logging into page first?

Thanks in advance.

asked 29 Jul '19, 00:36

sduelund2's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi Quinn,

Just realized the upgrade, I did prior to logging this ticket resolved the issue. We upgraded from version 7 -> 8 and this must have recreated the API_Key registry setting with a new value.

This is now resolved.



answered 29 Jul '19, 19:40

sduelund2's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi sduelund2,

Would you please send me screenshots of the following items to support@poweradmin.com

  • Registry API_KEY Value - showing the location and type of value added.
  • Web Browser - enter in a browser the API URL that you are using and send me a screenshot showing the address, login screen, and results.
  • Console - Report Settings
  • Console - HTTP Server Settings


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answered 29 Jul '19, 11:28

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 Jul '19, 00:36

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Last updated: 29 Jul '19, 19:40