We have an PA-environment with several external sites (domains). These are connected as Satellite Sites to our central PA-monitor server. The system has been up and running for several years without problems. After upgrading PA-monitor to v we got problems with the Inventory Collector on some servers that are connected to some of the Satellites. (all upgraded)

The Inventory Collector now comes up with this error: Probe methods: WMI, System Details program Failed to retrieve system details via the System Details probe: Internal script error [from target] Unable to retrieve Windows Update counts because of: The RPC server is unavailable. [Err=0x800706BA (2147944122), CurrUser=xxx, Imp=*

Tried changing credentials on remote user account. (Using credentials I know work, and that have worked on the same server before) Deleting and adding Inventory collector as new monitor. This did not help. On some of the servers I deleted and added the whole server, and then they are OK...

Now I have 3 servers left (on 2 different Satellite-sites) that I have tried all the tricks I can think of to solve this problem. But I am stuck. Is there any known issues with this version of PA-server? Any other suggestions on what else to try?

asked 29 Aug '19, 05:50

karbot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Karbot,

The 2147944122 and 800706BA in hex, is "RPC server unavailable".

So what is probably happening is the Inventory Collector (using the System Details piece) is trying to access the Windows Update component on the target server to query pending updates, but it is being blocked, probably by the firewall.

So you can remove the Inventory Collector monitor, or block it from using the System Details piece, or you could enable a rule in Windows Firewall (I suspect it is the Windows Remote Administration rule, though I'm not positive).


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answered 29 Aug '19, 10:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for answering Quinn.

On a new deployment I would agree that the problem probably is in firewall blocking. But this is happening on servers that have been monitored for 2-3 years with the same settings. And with no problems with Inventory Collector or "RPC server unavailable" until after the 8.0-upgrade of PA-monitor... And as I mentioned - some of the servers with this issue now are monitored OK by just removing and adding the whole server in PA.




answered 30 Aug '19, 02:46

karbot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you zip up and send me your log files for the Central and Satellite services?

Thanks Quinn

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answered 30 Aug '19, 15:04

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 Aug '19, 05:50

Seen: 8,580 times

Last updated: 30 Aug '19, 15:04