We typically use smtp.sendgrid.net as our smtp server to send emails when alerts trigger. SendGrid is soon going to disallow sending through this, they're going all API calls. Is there a way to send email alerts through an API call? If not, this would be a welcome feature.

asked 30 Dec '20, 15:27

davidwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Hi davidwolf,

Would you be able to transition to using the Call URL action? This monitor will allow you to connect to a URL and then pass parameters and values.

Here is a link to that documentation. https://www.poweradmin.com/help/pa-server-monitor-8-2/action_callurl.aspx


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answered 31 Dec '20, 10:32

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

So SendGrid has some documentation on converting username/password credentials to API calls which is as easy as generating an API key, using that as your password, and "apikey" as your username in the Send-Email Action:

To integrate with SendGrids SMTP API:

Create an API Key with at least “Mail” permissions. Set the server host in your email client or application to smtp.sendgrid.net. This setting is sometimes referred to as the external SMTP server or the SMTP relay. Set your username to apikey. Set your password to the API key generated in step 1. Set the port to 587.


answered 05 Jan '21, 12:06

davidwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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Asked: 30 Dec '20, 15:27

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Last updated: 05 Jan '21, 12:06